
Decalcomania, —algia press, 2021, Proceeds to Poet’s Hardship Fund
Cymbalism & Lemonade, SPAM Press, 2020


Everscapes @ The Hythe, from The 87 Press
Portraits @ Virtual Oasis, from Trickhouse Press
The New Positivity @ Gutter 23
imagos @ Wet Grain
Colours for Wallpaper @ Erotoplasty 7 pt.1
Memory, Sycamore @ Bluehouse Journal 2
Moray @ Bluehouse Journal 1
Beginning of a New Poem @ Sand Journal #20
Dictation Poems @ Ulmer Texhshop Experiments
Mapping @ Southside Stories
Dislocation @ Lune Journal 02
Rough @ 0fZ00s 7